Warning: mysql_num_rows() [duplicate]

what the wrong in this code .... when i run show this message ...

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean
given in
$startIndex = 1 ;    
$finalIndex = 3;

    $select_order = "SELECT orders.OrderID,orders.OrederDate,customer.FirstName,customer.LastName,orders.ShippingAddress,shopping_cart.GrandTotal,orders.Status FROM orders "
            . "INNER JOIN customer ON orders.CustomerID = customer.CustomerID"
            . "INNER JOIN shopping_cart ON shopping_cart.OrderID = orders.OrderID limit $startIndex,$finalIndex";

    $result = mysql_query($select_order);

      $jsonOrder = array();
   if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    // output data of each row

     while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

            $jsonOrder[] = array('order ID' => $row["orders.OrderID"] ,'purchased Date' => $row["orders.OrederDate"],'customer Name' => $row["cutomer.FirstName"] ."  ". $row["customer.LastName"], // we can use CONCAT(,)function for add two strings like 'customer name' => $row['CONCAT(FirstName,LastName)']
                           'shipping Address' => $row["orders.ShippingAddress"] ,'total price' => $row["shopping_cart.GrandTotal"],
                           'status' => $row["orders.Status"]);

        $jsonstring = json_encode($jsonOrder);
           echo $jsonstring;  

    } else {   
         echo "0 results";


You need to add space here
 . " INNER JOIN shopping_cart ON shopping_cart.OrderID = orders.OrderID limit $startIndex,$finalIndex";